Comprehensive, but lots of statistics, from what I remember.
breakfast of champions
JoinedPosts by breakfast of champions
This should be an interesting book to read
by Doug Mason ini have not yet read this book, but it should be interesting:.
"the better angels of our nature: why violence has declined", steven pinker.. the publicity blurb states:.
"believe it or not, today we may be living in the most peaceful moment in our species' existence.
by Watchtower-Free in
(published thursday, oct 30, 2014).
thursday, oct 30, 2014 updated at 11:58 pm pdt.
breakfast of champions
Zalkin's opinion just seems to be that they live in a "parallel universe" and feel that they are above the law.
I don't believe I have ever heard the JW/GB mindset ever described so perspicuously.
New JW Podcast Show - Amazing Interview with Irwin Zalkin!
by God_Delusion inhello guys & gals!.
we've just launched our brand new episode, s01e01 - irwin zalkin, which we recorded last night.. you can listen to it right here -
in this ground-breaking bumper show, we interview irwin zalkin, the lawyer who filed and won this new child abuse case against the watchtower organisation, which saw the victim, jose lopez awarded $13.5 million.. i think you'll agree with me (after listening to the interview) that irwin really knows his 'watchtower' stuff!.
breakfast of champions
Just an incredible friggin' podcast!
I'm a big podcast fan in general, but this is just really great.
New JW Podcast Show - Amazing Interview with Irwin Zalkin!
by God_Delusion inhello guys & gals!.
we've just launched our brand new episode, s01e01 - irwin zalkin, which we recorded last night.. you can listen to it right here -
in this ground-breaking bumper show, we interview irwin zalkin, the lawyer who filed and won this new child abuse case against the watchtower organisation, which saw the victim, jose lopez awarded $13.5 million.. i think you'll agree with me (after listening to the interview) that irwin really knows his 'watchtower' stuff!.
breakfast of champions
Looking forward to listening!
Just a note: while I see your first podcast on iTunes, I am not seeing this one.
Um, It's November...Where is that meat in due season?
by CaptainSchmideo is still on october programming.
what happened, did jehovah forget to turn in the script?.
breakfast of champions
Wait a second. . .
In the first installment they were crowing over how fast they built a TV studio. . .
And now their second installment is late?
How is that possible?
I have a feeling there are some "problems" behind the scenes there. . . .
Disfellowshipping painting
by Rambo Morris III inmade by kirsi-maria aho.
name of the painting is "committee".
here is the link if picture doesn't appear.
breakfast of champions
Interesting how the three comittee "elders" are portrayed as monkeys. . . or at least they are quite monkey-like.
Disfellowshipping painting
by Rambo Morris III inmade by kirsi-maria aho.
name of the painting is "committee".
here is the link if picture doesn't appear.
Letter Re: JW Broadcasting
by pixel inre: jw broadcasting.
dear brothers:.
we are writing to inform you of an exciting initiative that was announced on october 4,.
breakfast of champions
According to my calendar, it is now November 3rd. Why is the most current governing body offering dated October 2014?
Using the "C-Word" With My Wife
by breakfast of champions inmonths ago, i commented on another thread about a strategy i was using to introduce my wife to the way cults work--without using the word "cult" and scaring her away.
here's my first comment on that thread:.
i pulled hassan's bite model off the internet and imported it into my word processor.
breakfast of champions
I would think that once a person see that the manipulations of the Watchtower for what they it would become very hard to keep attending meetings.
Just for kicks I listened in to the meeting the other night, and it was a doozy! Won't go into details, but full of doom and gloom and some major elder power trip stuff.
My wife came home, not as chipper as her usual self.
I said,"I listened in tonight. . ." after which she went into a rant of how horrible it was.
So for now, yes, she is kind of "stuck" but doesn't want me to be stuck with her. She's taking one for the team, so to speak. . . But yeah, it's pretty awful.
Link +1 / -0 -
by Watchtower-Free in
(published thursday, oct 30, 2014).
thursday, oct 30, 2014 updated at 11:58 pm pdt.
breakfast of champions
On one side the JW.Org/FDS/GB revolution and on the other the growing phalanx of victims and their lawyers who just won't shut up and won't go away?
An excellent candidate for the "new" Gog of Magog!